Tutorial Videos

The following videos have been divided into two sections and are available to help you with working in P2i.

If you require videos for Suppliers, access the Funded Organisation Help Centre.

Buyer Sourcing

Contract Management

All topics related to creating procurement projects, requests for quote and contracts.

Dashboard and Navigation

Create a Procurement Project

Prepare a Request for Quote (RFQ)

Create the RFQ Envelopes with Weighted Scoring

System Approvals

Supplier Evaluation Procurement Authority

Supplier Evaluation Technical Evaluation

Supplier Evaluation Commercial Evaluation

Prepare a Contract

Funding and Service Details Setup

All topics related to activating contracts, assessing and approving acquittals and recommending payments.

Contract Officer - Set up Assignment Details for a new contract

Contract / Regional Manager - Activate a new contract

Finance Officer - Set up Associated Outlet Details and Payment Details for a new contract

Assess and Approve Annual Financial Statements

Assess and Approve Milestones

Assess and Approve Performance Based Acquittals (PBAs)

Assess and Approve Special Purpose Financial Acquittals

Make a Payment Recommendation